Goldilocks and the Three Bears
- Includes:
- ● 1 Picture Disc
- ● 1 Activation Card
Ages: 2-6
"Goldilocks and the Three Bears" is a classic fairy tale about a young girl named Goldilocks who wanders into the forest and discovers the home of three bears. Finding the house empty, she enters and begins to explore. Inside, she finds three bowls of porridge - one too hot, one too cold, and one just right. She also finds three chairs - one too big, one too small, and one just right. Finally, she discovers three beds - one too hard, one too soft, and one just right.
After trying out the bears' belongings, she falls asleep in the bed that's just right. The bears return home to find their belongings disturbed, and they soon discover Goldilocks asleep in Baby Bear's bed.
Goldilocks and the Three Bears" underscores the importance of respecting others' belongings and finding balance in life, as Goldilocks learns the value of moderation when she discovers what is "just right" among the bears' possessions.
Story FAQ
How do I adjust the brightness?
Open your story and then press the sun icon in the lower left corner. Then, adjust Screen Brightness & Projection Brightness.
What does the blue circle around the text mean?
That indicates the story word that has a sound. Press the word to hear the sound.
How do I exit the story?
Press the screen and then the X button in the top left corner to exit the story.